It’s time to Teach Peace to our Youth

The Center for Prevention of Violent Extremism in Somalia expresses its deepest condolences to the people of Bosaso City, Somalia, following the unjustified terrorist act that left numerous deaths and injuries caused by the explosion on 23rd of January.

It capped a decade of increasing deadly complex suicide attacks by the Somali terrorist group that routinely committed by radicalized young people as they involve several social-psychological distinctions among faith, beliefs, and emotions.

Education and radicalization

Considering peace in the definition of what Galtung (1975) called structural violence and in the aspect that peace is not only the absence of the physical violence, but it related it with human security, relationships, resource, and justice this means education plays a vital role to shape human perception, values, attitude, response to the crises and violence.

In this article, radicalizations mean the process that youth and young people may become violent extremist referring the Clark McCauley and Sophia Moskalenko, 2008 on Mechanisms of Political Radicalization in their arguments that the process by which individuals may become violent extremists is known as radicalization in the 21 centuries as the process involves several social-psychological distinctions among faith, beliefs, emotions. Feelings and behavior to disaggregate radicalization process. It’s a common sense that education reduces the violence in this paper argues that violence means the use of destructive force to commit crime and violate laws and basic principles of human rights, this article draws that changing the behavioral to respond radicalization process through education will provide individuals a space to open mind to seize and control the way of expressing feelings and beliefs.

Scholars draws the distinguish between cognitive radicalization and behavioral radicalizations, in terms of cognitive radicalization explains on the position of extremist’s beliefs and feelings but without carryout action of violence extremist while the behavioral radicalization is the manifesting a determination to commit violence in the furtherance of extremist beliefs and feelings (James Khalil, 2014).

The Institute of Economics and peace (IEP) defines positive peace as the attitudes, institutions and structures that create and sustain peaceful societies. Thus, positive education can result a peaceful society with tolerance and acceptance of the other right, importantly one of the key pillars of positive in IEP includes the acceptance of others rights and to achieve this pillars it has to come through education which promotes to positive attitude, thoughts, and culture of peace.  

Lynn Davies (2016) in the articled of Security, Extremism and Education: Safeguarding or Surveillance, argues that extremist organizations such as Islamic state of Iraq and Alshabaab tries to win the hearts and minds of the people by providing welfare nest, with Alshabaab offering, proper’ Islamic education in countries like Somalia. Somalia which has no structured curriculum and effective governance in a decade its education system is handled by businesspeople rooted with Jihadist groups who uses education to achieve a political, economic, and social and religion purpose by provoking the need of Islamic states, (khilaafa islamiha) Nationalism, ruling Islamic shar’ea (Islamic law), defending the identity and targeting by young people in the school age and those who feel marginalized by other clans or forces.

There is visible possibility that education through imported text books used to radicalizes many Somalia young people it’s a central to understand the aspect of peace education in considering with definitions brought by Harris and Morrison in a Peace Education (2nd Ed.) (2003) defines peace education a philosophy and process involving skills, that including reflection, critical thinking, communication, problem solving, cooperation and conflict resolutions.

This process of peace education involves empowering people with the skills, attitudes, perceptions, life skills, to create a peaceful society through peace education can have realized the benchmarks of positive peace.