Our work

  1. Peace education
  2. Preventing radicalizations and violent extremism
  3. Approaches of conflict mapping and analyzes  
  4.  Research (Peace, Security and Development research fellowship with publications at the Initiative or affiliated research centers.
  5. Life skills based education
  6. Livelihood alternatives ( Job creation,  TVET Education, Economic empowerment  and  youth entrepreneurships

Our approach.

We identify the causes and signs of conflict, violence, terrorism and other forms of violent extremism and social challenges that inhibits young adults and communities for achieving peaceful life and prosperity by addressing three most promising questions:

  1. What to Change?
  2. What to Change to?
  3. How to Cause the Change?

As we empower communities, equip the necessary skills to change negative thinking mindsets to overcome limitations and provide livelihoods alternatives.

Our Core values

The CPVE Somalia were established to spread the culture of peace, change the people, systems and create societies that can prevent conflict and towards a better world. The VPP is based the respect human rights, and work through transparency, accountability and no harm principles;